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Bingo! is a new way for young children to learn English.

A BINGO! RED SET includes the following

  • 40 issues of BINGO!
  • 8 pages per booklet
  • 800+ pages of downloadable worksheets of each issue covering four language skills - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - and based on the Cambridge English exams
  • transcripts of audio for all 40 issues
  • Suitatble for age 5-7


A BINGO! BLUE SET includes the following

  • 40 issues of BINGO!
  • 8 pages per booklet
  • 800+ pages of downloadable worksheets of each issue covering four language skills - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - and based on the Cambridge English exams
  • transcripts of audio for all 40 issues
  • Suitatble for age 7-12


Ting Pen will be sold in separately

Combo Set (Red & Blue)

HK$2,776.00 一般價格
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